Staples: It's Pro Time

Staples was in trouble, with competitors matching them item for item. So we helped them develop and sell a mission: to be there for those who know the true value of work done well. And a brief for a 30-second spot become a new brand identity, tagline, and a multi-year, 360 campaign.

Execution Type: Full rebrand across Broadcast / Print / OOH / Digital Film / In-Store / Event / Website

Role: Concept, Creative Direction, Copywriting 

Team: Roberto Santellana, Craig Andrew Smith, Soomean Chang, Keith Matland, Mark Radcliffe

Film: Jaci Judelson (dir) // Danny Hiele (dp)

Press: Bloomberg News, Boston Globe, Yahoo! Finance, AdAge, Office Products International (yes, it’s a real thing)

And, because work ethic is eternal, we played our story against the poem "Work" by late-19th/early-20th-century poet, Henry Van Dyke

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